Copyright/ Liability disclaimer and WARRANTY TERMS
Copyright 1997-2010 NOVEX (Canada) Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of the material covered by this copyright may be reproduced in any form or by any means (whether electronic, mechanical or photographic) for storage in retrieval systems, tapes, disks or for making multiple copies without the written permission of NOVEX (CANADA) Ltd..
While the mission of NOVEX (CANADA) Ltd.’s web site is to provide accurate and timely information, any action that a visitor takes based on information contained in this web site is the sole responsibility of the visitor. From time to time, errors do slip by, and we apologize for such errors when they occur.
Nevertheless, NOVEX (CANADA) Ltd. makes no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links, or other items contained on or accessible through the Site, and is not liable for errors or omissions in these materials caused by the negligence of its employees or contractors or any other cause.
All express and implied warranties and conditions including merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement and freedom from computer virus are excluded. In no event shall NOVEX (CANADA) Ltd. be liable for any direct, special, indirect or consequential damages, or any other damages of whatever kind resulting from whatever cause.
NOVEX (Canada) Ltd. assumes no responsibility for the content of other web sites which may be linked from within our sites. Users link to these other sites at their own risk.
Import Licensing: Certain products may not be imported or used in some countries without specific approval from a Government Body or Controlling Organization. It is the BUYERS responsibility, not NOVEX (Canada) Ltd., to obtain such licensing/permission.
TERMS and CONDITIONS of the NOVEX2000 limited warranty:
Installing the NOVEX software and/or the NOVEX hardware device indicates your acceptance of these terms and conditions.
Warranty: NOVEX(Canada) Ltd. warrants only to the first purchaser that the equipment sold by us will be free from defects in workmanship and materials for a period of 12 months from date of purchase. Defects caused by misuse, abuse, accidents, modifications, negligence, unauthorized repairs and other causes beyond the control of NOVEX (Canada) Ltd. are not covered by this warranty. Damage caused by faulty PC and improper installations are not covered by this warranty. There are no warranties, which extend beyond the description herein.
Returns or exchanges will not be accepted unless authorized by NOVEX (CANADA) Ltd. International returns or exchanges on stock items, authorized by NOVEX (CANADA) Ltd., returned within thirty days (of invoice date) will be subject to a restocking charge of 15%. Returns after 30 (thirty) days of invoice date will not be accepted.
Returns on custom-made items will not be permitted under any condition.
RETURNS and exchanges from Canadian or USA clients can only be made within 14 days of FedEx delivery.
Customer Software warranty: The package of NOVEX VC PCI/NOVEX2000 contains NOVEX software programs on a CD in machine-readable form and a user manual. It is your responsibility to choose, maintain and match the hardware and software components of your computer system. Thus NOVEX (Canada) Ltd. does not guarantee uninterrupted service or correction of terms and the programs are sold with the NOVEX hardware on "AS IS" basis. The CD on which the programs are recorded are warranted against defective material or workmanship under normal use for a period of 30 days after purchase from NOVEX (Canada) Ltd. or an authorized dealer.
No implied warranty or condition as to the quality or performance of the software, including any warranty or condition of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, is given for the software, and all such warranties are expressly disclaimed (except for Implied warranties on the CDs which are limited in duration to the thirty day period described above). No other warranty or guaranty given by any person, firm or corporation with respect to the software or delivery of the software shall bind NOVEX (Canada) Ltd or anyone else who has been involved in the creation, production or delivery of the software.
Neither NOVEX (Canada) Ltd. nor any other person, firm or corporation is responsible for the loss of revenue or profits, expense or Inconvenience, or for any other special, incidental or consequential damages caused by the use, misuse or ability to use the software, whether on account of negligence or otherwise, or by failure to conform to any express or implied warranties or conditions.
Telephone tariffs should be consulted prior to use of any equipment attached to telephone lines.
It is the sole responsibility of the BUYER (not NOVEX(Canada) Ltd.) to consult legal counsel for interpretation of any laws applicable to the import, distribution, and area of Intended use of the purchased products. The BUYER should abide by the law and regulations as stipulated in the corresponding regulating documents Import Licensing. Certain products may not be imported or certain features of a product may not be allowed to be used in some countries, without specific approval from a Government Body or Controlling Organization. It is the BUYERS responsibility, not NOVEX (Canada) Ltd., to obtain such licensing.
All Novex (Canada) Ltd. warranty terms and conditions apply for both PAL and NTSC versions of the NOVEX products. All PAL systems may have NVX or NOVEX logo, but the OEM series. By opening/installing the software package you acknowledge that you have read this agreement, understand it, and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. You also agree that this agreement is final.
e-mail at: sales88 (at) novexcanada.com